Poem: The Night Visitor

Poem by PRYZ da poet

He came in the middle of the night and whispered in the ears of men and said to them ” At the time of your forefathers, they were the gods to the women, so now when they look down at you they are ashamed, your women are now providers, they are your goddesses, but I’m here to tell you it’s time, time to take control, I am giving you authority to kill, rape and abuse women and children, you rule the world “

 Koze kube nini?

For how long will you keep killing, raping and abusing women and children because you want to be called a man? 

And now that you’ve hurt her feelings, crushed her soul and taken her high self-esteem, do you feel like a man? 

How powerful does that make you because in my eyes you are nothing but a coward overpowering the powerless,

Showing you strength to the weak

 Ngesintu siye sithi”ubuhle bendoda zinkomo zayo”

Not the number of people you’ve killed, raped and abused

Here I am asking myself this question _” _koze kube nini izingane nabesifazane nibahlinzel’ ezibini 

Nibaphathis’ okodot’ int’ engenancedo “_ 

 _Ngikhuluma nje, 

Kweny’ indod’ ak’salalek’ engalichithang’ igazi lowesifazane_ 

 Bayakhal’ Omama kodw’ anohlala Naz’ ukuth’ izinyembezi zakhe aziweli pansi

The day visitor will meet her at the point of her needs

PRYZ da poet is an 18-year-old who fell in love with writing at the age of 12. She wrote a novel titled the lost soul(not yet published). She writes poetry that speak about the things that happen around her.