#woke30seconds and all that shade

The hashtag #woke30seconds was trending on Friday, capitalising on South Africans’ love of trivia games and our propensity to talk smack about politicians, celebs and twelebs.

Based on the popular boardgame 30 Seconds, in which players must describe a specific person or thing without using its name and their team mates try to guess what they’ve described, the hashtag aims to make people more socially conscious ie to get people “woke“.

Twitter wasn’t pulling any punches on Friday.

Politicians weren’t the only ones in the spotlight.

So much shade was thrown.

Lots of people were just confused.

Some people were not amused.

Others found it not just educational but hilarious.

In all, it was just another Friday afternoon on Twitter in SA.

– Featured image via Warrenski on Flickr